Public Speaking Can Be Fun

Free Public speaking skills tips, techniques, and advice by presentation skills expert Jacki Rose, Top Performance. Follow me on Twitter:

Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Year - New Energy

Start the New Year off with lots of energy with your life and with your presentations.

The January PEP Ezine issue explains it more!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Holiday Stress Plus a Presentation!

This is a time that many of us are stressed out. Whether it's shopping, spending, saving, etc. We're trying to get it all done. On top of it all, you may have a presentation coming up that you need to prepare for. This may be the biggest stressor of all.

Follow these simple steps to help prepare quickly:
1 - Set aside at least 30 minutes to an hour to just focus on your presentation
2 - Have this hour be some place quiet with no distractions (i.e. library, coffee shop, etc.)
3 - Turn your cell phone off and close your email program during this time
4 - Look at all your notes if you have any and organize them if they are all over the place
5 - Write down your entire presentation in 3 parts: the opening, the body, and the closing
6 - After writing down everything you need to present, go back and think of examples, stories, and analogies you can incorporate to hone your message.

To make it even easier for yourself, contact Jacki Rose to schedule a coaching session.
Several options are available.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Intimidation Creates Nervousness

Something I hear over and over again from my clients is that they are more nervous speaking in front of their superiors than anyone else.

The funny thing is I hear the same thing from those superiors.

We tend to put people on pedestals that may not belong there. We tend to put ourselves on the bottom of the totem pole. When in actually, the more accurate may be the reverse. Your superiors want you to succeed. They believe you have something great to present. They want you to exude confidence and present with impact. So go ahead and do it!

More free tips on public speaking skills

Friday, December 08, 2006

It's Not So Bad

Recently I met with a client who had cancelled our first session about 6 or 7 times. We finally met and it was a success! Maybe the delay was due to him being afraid of what may happen when he presented in front of me. After all he was paying me to critique him. Maybe he was afraid of what I may say, how he may feel, and how he would appear.

After the session he realized there was nothing to fear at all. He said he felt bad about delaying our meeting so many times. He realized how much he improved in just one session and realized he could have been approving all along over the past few months. But of course, better late than never. This may be a cliche, but it is so true.

What are you putting off because of your fears? If you are avoiding speaking in front of a group of people, I suggest you face that fear head on. You most likely will see that you had nothing to worry about at all.

For more tips on public speaking skills

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Speech Contest

Last night I was a judge for a speech contest. It consisted of 5 high school students. All 5 had exceptional accolades, are very active in their school and community, and will definitely be successful in life.

All 5 had fabulous speeches, the content was phenomenal, and they all had great public speaking skills. There were just two things that I feel they could have done to make the presentations much better.

1 - All of them read their presentation verbatim. If they had prepared more ahead of time, they would have known their speeches much better and would have been able to talk to the audience rather than read to them.

2 - Even though they all read very well, even though they were very articulate, and even though they projected out so everyone could hear them, the one thing missing in all of them, which I feel is the most important thing, was their emotion. There was no emotion. I see this often with many presenters. Whether they are teens or adults, having emotion means having impact. If you want your audience to feel something, YOU need to feel it and show it in your presentation.

7% of communication is words, the rest is vocal tone and body language. Emotion comes through in both. Feel what you are presenting and your audience will feel it too. Emotion is what makes your audience act. Emotion is what will get you the results you want from your presentations.

Monday, December 04, 2006


Tip of the Month: Public Speaking With A KISSS

The next time you give a presentation, do it with a big huge KISSS!

KISSS – Keep It Simple, Short and Succinct!

Do you want to engage your audience, keep their attention, and have them remember what you tell them? If you answered "Yes", then you need to tell them in the simplest, shortest, and in the most succinct way possible.

How do you do that?

1 – Know the goal of your presentation. What is your desired outcome? What do you want your audience to do, think, or feel at the end of your presentation?

2 - With that goal in mind, what must they know? What must you tell them to make that outcome come to fruition?

To read the rest of this article, click here:

For more free tips on public speaking skills click here:

Friday, December 01, 2006

Room Set Up

I recently attended a seminar that was great. However, it would have been so much better if just one room set up change was made. This one change would have made a major difference. It's something that is done very often, too many times, and people just don't know any better.

It was a panel with the table set off to the side. It was on an angle which was good. But if that panel was smack center in the middle of the front of the room, they all would have been much closer to the audience and would have made a more effective connection.

However, the powerpoint projector was in the middle on a table in front of the huge screen along with another table for the laptop. There were only 2 slides and all were text. We tend to think we need to use powerpoint for those visual people in the audience. I'm a visual person, but I'd much rather see the presenters than the slides. Wouldn't you?
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