Public Speaking Can Be Fun

Free Public speaking skills tips, techniques, and advice by presentation skills expert Jacki Rose, Top Performance. Follow me on Twitter:

Friday, August 28, 2009

You May Have Excellent Presentation Skills, but

No matter how much people think you are excellent at what you do, there will always be a few that are not impressed.

Free public speaking skills tips:

Monday, August 24, 2009

Present in a Succinct Manner

Twittering is a great way to practice writing succinctly. Rember to also write out your presentations with a KISSE – Keep It Short, Simple, and Engaging!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tips for Sales Presentations

Every presentation must have a strong opening. It determines the frame of mind your audience will be in to listen to what you have to say.

With your sales presentation show your audience what you do, don't tell them. Show them through real life examples, stories and education.

Free public speaking skills tips:

Monday, August 17, 2009

Being introduced, followed by a strong opening will increase your chances of continuing strong throughout your entire presentation.

Are you getting introduced? A proper introduction gets you instant credibility, creates high energy, & starts your presentation off strong.

Free Public Speaking Tips:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Two Tips for Presenting Effectively

If you do not write out your entire presentation now, I promise if you start doing it, it will get easier and you will be more effective!

Have fun! Many presentations are way too serious. Bring your personality to your presentation - your audience will like you a lot more.

Free public speaking skills tips:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Presenting to CEO's

So what if your audience is intimidating. So what if they are CEO’s, Senior VPs, etc. They will still learn from you. Exude total confidence!

Have faith in yourself that you have the knowledge and expertise to present your product/services. Your audience will benefit from your talk.

Free public speaking tips:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Public Speaking Tips from my Tweets

From “100 Public Speaking Tips” Fireworks are like a great presentation. Open with a bang, be engaging throughout, close with a huge finale.

Prepare! Determine your desired outcome - write down the most important points your audience needs to know to make that outcome happen.

Show who you are to your audience, they will be more receptive to your presentation. Tell personal stories and connect with your audience.

Free public speaking skills tips:

Presentation Skills Training and Coaching:

Monday, August 10, 2009

Keep Your Audience Informed

If you mention a movie or book in your presentation, be sure to briefly explain it for those who are not familiar with it. Otherwise you will only be reaching part of your audience.

Free public speaking skills tips:

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Keep Your Audience Energized

Ways to Re-Energize Your Audience

  • Take A Break
  • Exchange ideas with other audience members
  • Group activities
  • Ask questions
  • Show of hands
  • Tell a funny story but be sure to relate it to the topic
  • Tell a personal story about something totally unrelated to topic, but relate it to topic – stories about romance, how you met your spouse, a bad date you were on, etc are great.

At an all day seminar with Brian Tracy, it went an hour over time, people were tired and fading. He went into a funny story about he and his wife. The audience broke out into hysterics. What a way to increase the energy in the room. Laughter increases energy in people and will get them to stay awake, alert, and alive a little bit longer.


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