Public Speaking Can Be Fun

Free Public speaking skills tips, techniques, and advice by presentation skills expert Jacki Rose, Top Performance. Follow me on Twitter:

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Public Speaking and Charlie Rose

There are three things that Charlie Rose told me to do. Well, he didn’t really tell me. I recently saw him speak live in Sarasota Florida. He spoke about his experience interviewing famous people and there were three things I took away that I will share with you now so that you can implement these ideas into your presentations and get greater results.

1 – He spoke to the audience as if he was speaking to one guest. It was very conversational, even though he used notes. And using notes are perfectly fine, as long as you stay connected with your audience, as Charlie Rose did.

2 – He said it took him 10 hours to prepare for his interview with President Bill Clinton. He said that he doesn’t just show up to an interview and hope that magic happens. He does research by using the internet, he has a team of people who help him gather information, and then he condenses it to what he needs to know. The take away here is, never wing your presentations. Prepare, prepare, prepare, and you will be much more likely to get the results you want.

3 – This one is my favorite! Charlie Rose said that his best interviews and favorite shows that he did were the ones where his guests surprised him. My guess of what he meant by that is that his guests told him something he didn’t know or did something he wasn’t expecting. If you tell your audience something they don’t know or present in a way that is unexpected, your audience just may say that your presentation was one of the best they ever attended.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Did You Know This About Public Speaking and Your Audience?

1 – Your audience wants you to succeed.
2 – Your audience does not expect or want you to be perfect.
3 – Your audience wants you to take command of the platform and present with total confidence.
4 – Your audience wants to hear what you have to say.
5 - Your audience will learn and benefit from your presentation.

Present with total confidence, engage your audience, and prepare your presentation to include what you want and need your audience to know the most. Do this and you will get great results from your presentations. Just be clear on what you want your results to be.

More tips:

Friday, February 08, 2008

Stand Out Above The Rest In Public Speaking Skills

Last night I presented at the ASTD (American Society for Training and Development) Association. The title of my presentation was: "3 Ways To Stand Out Above Others"

I shared with them a personal story about my very first training job before I became a public speaking skills coach. I was hired for a 6 month project along with 10 other trainers. The trainees got more out of my training session than any of the others. The reason? I fully prepared my program and I rehearsed out loud my material. So when it was time to train, I knew my material inside and out. And because I knew it so well, it aloud me to do 3 things that helped me stand out above the rest. I was able to present with Power, Energy, and Passion.

1 - Power
2 - Energy
3 - Passion

The more power, energy, and passion you have when you deliver a presentation, the more effective you will be.

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