Public Speaking Can Be Fun

Free Public speaking skills tips, techniques, and advice by presentation skills expert Jacki Rose, Top Performance. Follow me on Twitter:

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Public Speaking Skills - Audience Disagrees

What if your audience disagrees with you?

They may have misunderstood you. Clarify what their disagreement is. Then clarify your message. Validate their concern. Don't try to convince them otherwise. Move on. Say, "Take what you want, respect the rest."

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Engage Your Audience when Speaking in Public

Recently I observed a speaker who was an expert in his field and very highly accomplished. However, when he presented he did all of the following that took away from his confident presence:

Paced around all over the stage
Had his hands in his pockets
There were technical difficulties (he did not know how to get to his second slide)
Opened with “can you hear me?”
Stepped way back on the stage when asked us a question, rather than coming closer to us.
Wore his name tag, and it was turned over, twisted, and very distracting

However, here’s what he did have which made his audience like him and keep the audience engaged:
He had enthusiasm for his topic.
He had passion for his message and let that passion show.
He had a fun personality and let that fun personality shine.
He was sincere in answering our questions and you could tell he really cared about us getting the information.
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