Public Speaking Can Be Fun

Free Public speaking skills tips, techniques, and advice by presentation skills expert Jacki Rose, Top Performance. Follow me on Twitter:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Public Speaking and Your Company

Stop talking about your company! Your audience doesn't really care. All they care about is what can you do for them. They also want to know, when and where have you done this before and what were the results. But too many times I see companies start their presentations talking about themselves. How it got started, what awards they have received, all about the founder, etc. This is just a waste of time and won't get the results you want. So... stop talking about your company!

More free public speaking tips:

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Public Speaking Skills - Preparation

When it comes to public speaking and effective presenting, preparation is freedom! Free to be powerful, free to have energy to engage with your audience, free to express passion and emotion for your services/subject matter.

More great free public speaking skills tips at:

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Public Speaking Never Ending Questions

Have you ever been in a situation where you were presenting or training and someone asked you a question? But, it took them a very long time to actually get to the question. They felt like they needed to give you tons and tons of background information, gather their thoughts - out loud, etc. and all the time you are wondering: "Does this guy even have a question?" Or "When is she going to ask her question?"

Do what President Candidate John McCain does. Interrupt them and say, politely with a smile, "Can I have a question please?"

More great public speaking skills tips:

Friday, June 06, 2008

Public Speaking - and uhm, and uhm, and uhm

I just couldn't stand it! All I heard from the presenter was, "and uhm, and uhm, and uhm" in between every sentence or several times during one sentence.

The worst part of her public speaking skills was that she didn't even know she was doing it. Do you know what you are doing when you present? Be aware of your filler words and stop it! How do you stop it? Pause, pause, pause, pause!

More tips:
Public Speaking Skills
Presentation Skills Training, Coaching, Speaking

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Fake Public Speaking and Phony Presentation Skills

A relative of mine recently attended a conference. It was huge! Thousands of people attended this conference. There were hundreds of presenters. But were they all great? Here's what my relative said:

"Some of them were absolutely fabulous. They just told their story. Others appeared fake, phony, and insincere. Of course, these were the ones that was hard to pay attention to, buy-in to what they were saying, and liking the speaker. "

The more sincere and authentic you can be when presenting, the more your audience will know you. The more they know you, the more they will like you. The more they like you, the more they will listen and learn from you.

More tips:
Public Speaking Skills
Presentation Skills

Monday, June 02, 2008

Passion Public Speaking Skills

There are three reasons why passion is critical when it comes to public speaking and presentation skills.

1 - When you speak with passion, it rubs off onto your audience. They will feel the same passion you are portraying.

2 - Your audience will stay engaged when you present with passion. Newscasters do it all the time. That's why it's hard to change the channel even when you don't like what they are reporting.

3 - Passion is what causes people to take action.

The purpose of every speech is to get the results you want. To get the results you want, when it comes to public speaking, you need to present with passion!
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