Public Speaking - PowerPoint Presenting
How many slides should you use in a presentation?
How much text should you put on a slide?
How much animation, pictures, and graphs should you use?
Just remember this: YOU are your presentation, not your slides.
Your audience wants you to talk with them not at them or at your slides.
Less is more! Pictures are worth a thousand words! And, too much animation can be distracting.
Read this great article on PowerPoint.
More tips:
Pubic Speaking can be fun!
How much text should you put on a slide?
How much animation, pictures, and graphs should you use?
Just remember this: YOU are your presentation, not your slides.
Your audience wants you to talk with them not at them or at your slides.
Less is more! Pictures are worth a thousand words! And, too much animation can be distracting.
Read this great article on PowerPoint.
More tips:
Pubic Speaking can be fun!