Public Speaking Can Be Fun

Free Public speaking skills tips, techniques, and advice by presentation skills expert Jacki Rose, Top Performance. Follow me on Twitter:

Monday, December 31, 2007

How Many Parts to a Speech?

There are 7 parts to a presentation, but too often I see people only present 1 part. That's right, just one part. At the very least you should be presenting 3 parts, which many refer to as the Beginning, Middle, and End. Others may refer to it as the Opening, Body, Close. I refer to them as: Grab their attention, Keep it, and Send them away with impact!

To learn what all 7 parts are, check back later or send us an email @

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Sunday, December 30, 2007

How do you compare to other speakers?

Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it! Do not compare yourself to other public speakers. But, do compare yourself to your last presentation. My goal for every presentation is to be the best one I have ever given. No matter how great of a speaker you may be, you have the ability to be better and the better you are the better the results will be from your presentations.

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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Perfectionism and Public Speaking Skills

Perfectionism is a waste of time. A big waste of time! When I got my first training job, I was on a project with several other presenters. We had about 3 weeks to prepare our individual sections of what we were going to be training. I spent a couple of days on my content and the rest rehearsing my material. The other trainers never even rehearsed. They were focused on their computer, their PowerPoint slides, etc. They wanted those slides to be perfect.

When over 500 trainees came through, I received compliment after compliment, “You are the most dynamic trainer here!” The only reason I appeared to be the most dynamic presenter, is because I am not a perfectionist. I didn’t care about it being perfect, but I did care about it being excellent. Excellence is achievable, perfection is not. Since I didn’t spend time perfecting it, I was free to spend my time rehearsing the delivery of my great content, and that’s why I was the most dynamic trainer there.

Stop perfecting your slides, your content, etc. and start rehearsing. If you do, you will be much more dynamic than you were last time you spoke.

More tips at:

Friday, December 28, 2007

Incomplete Sentences with Public Speaking

A good strategy to keep your audience engaged is to start a sentence and let them finish it. For example, “When I say black you say__________,” (audience will say white)
“Hilary Clinton is married to past President, ___________” (audience will say Bill Clinton)
“SNL stands for__________________” (audience will say Saturday Night Live)
You can use these statements to review what you have already told them.

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Have Fun With Public Speaking

When you have fun with your presentations your audience will have fun. When they have fun, they will stay alert, hear more of what you say, enjoy watching and listening to you and is much more likely to do what you want them to do (i.e. buy from you, learn from you, take some sort of action).

More tips at

Monday, December 03, 2007

Presenting to Co-Workers In Your Company

While sitting with 3 women from the Bose Corporation, they proceeded to tell me how fearful they are of public speaking. They said that many times they have to speak in front of the sales department and because they are such dynamic speakers, they were afraid they would be looked down upon. I explained to them that their sales staff was on their side. They want them to succeed in their presentations. Immediately, they realized it was true. Your audience members always wants you to succeed. Mainly for their own benefit. They are there to learn from you and if you present well, they will benefit more from whatever you have to say.

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