Public Speaking Can Be Fun

Free Public speaking skills tips, techniques, and advice by presentation skills expert Jacki Rose, Top Performance. Follow me on Twitter:

Monday, October 30, 2006

11 Steps to Powerful Public Speaking CD

Free Articles For Your Company Newsletter

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It is required that you include the author's name and contact information, which is listed on all articles.
PowerPoint - 5 Crucial Steps
10 Steps For A Successful Speech
27 Steps To Giving A Great Presentation

Sunday, October 29, 2006

PEP Ezine for Public Speaking Skills

Get a FREE monthly tip on Public Speaking Skills by signing up for the PEP Ezine. The PEP Ezine is designed to help business professionals create presentations that are more: Positive, Energetic, and Productive!
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Most Haven't Had Public Speaking Skills Training

Most people are afraid of public speaking, and these people need to make presentations in business. Then there are those who are not afraid of public speaking and also make presentations in front of people. Both need my services because most of them have not had any formal public speaking skills or presentation skills training, which means they have the ability to present more effectively, to engage their audience more, and to get better results from their presentations than they’re getting now.

Public Speaking Can Be Fun

Just like anything else, if you are good at something, you enjoy it more. Most people who don't like public speaking or don't find it fun, haven't spent a lot of time getting good at it. Get good and you just may find it Fun!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Connect With Your Audience

When you give a presentation, it's important to connect with your audience in order to make an impact. The more you connect with them, the more they will pay attention and the more they pay attention the more they will understand and follow what you are communicating to them. Good presentation skills is a must if you want good results.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Do you inspire your audience to dream by putting them to sleep?

95% of Business Professionals Not Trained

95% of business professionals who present have not had any public speaking skills or presentation skills training, therefore they are not presenting in the most effective way.

I have been studying and teaching public speaking for several years and have found that 95% of business professionals presenting are doing it all wrong and could be getting better and more effective results if they had the proper public speaking skills training.

This number is based on my own experience and what I've observed.
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