Public Speaking Can Be Fun

Free Public speaking skills tips, techniques, and advice by presentation skills expert Jacki Rose, Top Performance. Follow me on Twitter:

Thursday, August 02, 2007

The Key to A Great Presentation is to...

speak with total confidence. You don’t have to feel confident to speak with confidence. However, if you do not speak with confidence, your audience will have no confidence in you or what you are telling them. If you ant your audience to benefit from your presentation, tell them with total confidence whether you feel it or not.

Here is a tip to help you with that. Imagine how you would present if you did have total confidence. Present that way. When you start to present that way, you will feel confident and when you feel it you will become it. I’m sure by now you have heard the saying, “whatever you focus on you manifest into your life.” It works for everything, including improving your public speaking skills.

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